
I don't fucking understand why certbot never seems to renew my domains. I try everytime I get one of them anoyying emails but still fail.

Currently trying while watching the webroot and apache logs. Nothing fucking happens. Someone experience with these problems?

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    Try it with the Apache-plugin instead and the http-challenge, works for me every time:

    /usr/bin/certbot renew -a apache --preferred-challenges http
  • 2
    As in automatically or when you run it manually?
  • 3
    @linuxxx manually :(
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    Had a similar issue here, I hate how it requires you to bind it to certain ports. In my mailing systems for example, ports 80 and 443 are already bound to by Nginx and are hidden within a VPN. Which unfortunately leaves me with no options but to gobble up some money for paid certs (yeah, as if I'm gonna do that), or go self-signed (which at the end I went with).

    Also @Jifuna in case this gets buried under updoots 😜
  • 1
    @Condor yeah, thats sucks! Wow thanks man! (Dank je wel). I'll give some back
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    @Jifuna Thanks a lot!! :D
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