
This is how you do UI/UX. Enter you postcode, road name and number and you have all possible adresses in this road to choose from. Best user experience ever

  • 1
    Weird that the code box is not as wide as the address list (when it should be the other way round)---and that one has button underneath and one has it on the right.

    So, yes...asking for minimal info is good, but I'm not so sure about this particular implementation of it.
  • 7
    Also...need to be 100% sure you have every address in your database or it's the *worst* UI ever.

    Imagine being told your house doesn't exist when trying to order stuff. That is the catalyst for an epic rant. :)
  • 4
    @platypus I'm being sarcastic worst thing ever. This is the kind of database that is updated once in a decade or never
  • 2
    @rageux These are actually normally done from an api that the courier they uses provides, so if the address is not in that list, the courier does not know about it so wouldn't deliver it anyway.
  • 3
    Therems like select2 where people can at least type and auto find from the options, this is cancer
  • 1
    @neodite I validate those with Gmaps or others, If I can tell my courier the address exists, this way or another, I get my money back. Basta +.+
  • 2
    What if the road has hundreds of houses or some address hasn't been added yet?

    Not only useless, but also potentially confusing and error prone

    Who thought this was gonna be a good idea
  • 0
    @neodite ok, but hear me out... post codes are huge and there’s no search and new houses are a thing
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