
If you got job offers from 2 companies, one in Poland, another in Germany, and they want you to relocate. All things being equal, which one would you select based on country?

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    Whichever you personally prefer. How about languages? Also, Poland will be cheaper in most cases, but might offer you a lower quality of life. All depends on where you would go in the countries.
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    @DuckDuckWent thanks. I read a bit about the both of them, seems I'd love to stay in any, but totally confused on which one to go with
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    @leksyib Which regions/cities would you go to? I live in Germany, btw
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    @DuckDuckWent the company's in Berlin
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    @leksyib and in Poland?
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    +working airport
    -worse living quality than berlin
    + good connection to many european cities
    - located in east germany
    +- german
    - political joke of germany(gouvernment, airport, ...)
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    @stop Can you 'live like a king' in Berlin with 45,000Eur a year?
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    @leksyib that is an question for an berliner.
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    Depends on the girls you like, you desirable new man.
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    Poland is great. Can’t wait to come back there. It’s also cheaper to live in than Germany, so you can buy more rubber ducks.
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    I'm a native german not living in Berlin (but western germany) and I can give you some thoughts and rough numbers.
    With 45k gross per year, you will get like 2,5k net per month (a common rule to calculate your gross/net value in germany is to divide your gross by 3 multiply it by 2 to get your net income).
    Berlin is a really expensive city to live there.
    This link will send you to a well known website, where you can search for apartments: https://tinyurl.com/ybe39nc3

    You will see, that even small apartements cost you like 500€-900€ per month (which depends strongly where you want to live).
    On top on this rent, you'll have to pay for gas (heating, warm water, ~50€), electricity (~50€), telefon/internet/tv (~40€), just to give you some numbers.
    I think, after all your minimum costs (food, car, gas for your car), you can spend like 1k-1,5k€ a month for freetime activities, partying, bitcoin gambling.

    If you have further questions, just ask. I will try to answer them. :)
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    @Stahlbart thanks! But I think living in Germany is quite too expensive, it's scary earning 2.5k net a month and spending 1k on accommodation and common needs
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    @leksyib if thar't is scary try München you would need 2.5k only to cover the rent.
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    What, 45k in Germany is even above the median income, so that's already the upper 50% because the median is around 35k (that's e.g. what a professional nurse in Berlin has). Add in that this is for a 17 year old without degree, and it's kind of a jackpot hit.

    However, that's also a downside: in Germany, HR is usually quite obsessed with CVs and formal degrees. Getting another even remotely similar job e.g. in case the company goes down could become difficult.
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