
Me: So why did you drop the db?
Intern: I couldn't rename the Model I've just created.
Me: Your CV says you're a prolific Rails Dev.
Me: How many days you have left working here?
Intern: 3Months
Me: Just take 3 months off work.

  • 3
    Bit harsh
  • 2
    @spl0 He had to go anyways. Just hope he's no one here 🤐
  • 2
    *not on
  • 10
    The way you treated that intern says a lot more about you than that intern. If you are not willing to offer mentorship, then don't hire them in the first place.
  • 2
    @benhongh Dont just go by only one piece of the puzzle. An employee steals from you $10. You'd give a warning. This "rant" is about "He steals from u on multiple occasions".
  • 1
    ...in life, there are always two sides to a story.
  • 3
    @sylar We only have the piece of the puzzle that you gave us!
  • 1
    @spl0 Too long to type 😎😎
  • 5
    It must be pretty cool to learn computers without ever making a mistake! Impressive...
  • 1
    @spl0 Awesome if it's not work computers.
  • 0
    Was he doing it via Terminal?
  • 2
  • 1
    I would think about trust you receive when you get a job. If you potray yourself as being good in a field naturally people trust you with that field and all closely connected fields (hence that is why he got access to db by lying about rails). So if you do a stupid thing like dropping a database (which I believe he knew was important) you would deserve a thing like that.
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