Recently thanks to Whatsapp I've discovered a new pet peeve:
People pressing "send" after finishing a sentence (at best) instead of making new lines, resulting in around 5 new messages received at lightning speed.
Not to mention, they keep on going while I am trying to reply, losing my concentration in the process! 😡

  • 1
    @jAsE I would be expecting 1 comment/line... 😂
  • 2
    One nice thing about this is that you can 'Reply to' each sentence indivitually. So when they're spamming messages like that but at least each message can be replied to it then doesn't bother me too much.
  • 3
    And you can be reading the top of the message while they are still typing. I hate waiting for them while the only thing I see is "typing". If the stream of incoming messages is enough to disturb you I feel sorry for you.
  • 2
    @host127001 I don't mind when each message is of a different topic. I like that because notionally I can form different answers. The problem begins when get messages like:


    "'Sup dawg?"

    "Back from work?"

    "Wanna go out for drinks tonite?"

    It could be better summed up as:

    "Hey, dude! Are you still working? Would like to to have some drinks tonight"?,

    since the last message is the important one. The rest are just fillers. 😛
  • 0
    I thought people do that because its easier to read one sentence at a time. I may be wrong though.
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