
In my previous job boss wanted me to implement all features found on WhatsApp 🤦🏼‍♂️

I'm lucky I found another job two months later

  • 0
    @makmm nope just as a way to keep people in our app and make them drfut away from using Whatsapp
  • 4
    WhatsApp used to be really good before facec**t happened.

    1+ billion accounts with an engineering team of 25 people, they made everyone not using Erlang look silly.

    Anyway, hope you're happy at the new jobby job.
  • 2
    And how much funding went into WhatsApp team for building WhatsApp? Argument for a payrise if you stayed.
  • 1
    @sergelee ya dream about it, spent two years asked for a raise and always got refused cuz company financial state was bad, they weren't lying tbh that is also one of the reasons why I left
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