
Google/Microsoft: We are committed to Linux and the open source community!

Us: Awesome, so can we expect a one drive and google drive client for Linux or at least well documented API's?

Google/Microsoft: *Unveils random arse applications and services without answering our pleas*

Google is by far the worst for this, Chromebooks built on Linux, getting full Linux application support and android that's built on Linux all have Google drive support baked in... Can we just get a single fucking desktop client... Please!

  • 2
    @undef I know but it's more pointing out that google know their way around Linux in all ways
  • 3
    @undef but even then from what I remember fuschia has Linux compatibility through containers so it's not gone for good
  • 1
    @Artemix shhh don't say dictatorship to Turkey or he will arrest you :P
  • 1
    I see now... @undef deleting all the comments slowly
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    To be fair the Google drive clients on windows aren't that good anyways....so you aren't missing out
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    @NULLmaster true but at least it's there, Linux gets nothing.

    Was going to make a command line tool similar to git using the API but even that is lacking
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    @lxmcf a Google engineer acctually made a command line tool but it doesn't auto sync (I don't remember what it's for....)

    Try insync. It costs some money, but it's pretty decent. It has worked pretty well for me and I've had it for a while. I'd say it's worth it.
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    Onedrive-d is the linux application for Microsoft OneDrive. It's on git.
    I know it doesnt help with all the issues but hey, it's something
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