
Docker is starting to look like windows...

  • 17
    I need you to understand that docker is NOT virtual machine software
  • 1
    I think it means if someone asked about container software or something
  • 4
    Actually, I have recommended Docker to my coworkers at some point.
  • 0
    This was written by my coworker as a meme, not really serious, lol
  • 4
    I can't even count how many times I've seen this exact post
  • 3
    @Jilano today I needed to test a bunch of queries on mysql 5.7, mysql 8 & mariadb.

    A few years ago that would have taken hours of removing packages, installing, configuring, removing, etc. —with a high probability of ending up with some messed up state due to leftover configs...

    Now it's just 3 docker install commands, and piping the same queries into each container.
  • 0
    Backend developers and infra devops guys talk about this shit before every new project
  • 0
  • 0
    Me: Person to write that
    Also me: "hey i need help with docker" in a public channel, meaning others will ask abt it
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