*Goes for an interview*

Interviewer reads my resume and goes on to say : "You are the first person today, whose resume doesn't include 'machine learning' ".
Me : *Points towards Machine Learning written in my resume* Sir here it is.

We both have a good laugh about it.

That day i realised that EVERYONE is 'learning' machine learning. EVERYONE.

  • 9
    Yeah this 👇
  • 1
    @undef lmfao. Maybe in the future 😂
  • 1
    I'm not learning it... Other than reading a couple articles and watching a few videos. Am I missing out?
  • 2
    @bezorp no you're not. While some machine learning really is amazing and innovative, it's only some, and consequently only some of the people are learning it.

    For the most part, buzzwords are things people lump a ton of topics into, learn one topic, and then generalize that they know it.

    Like science. You can't just take biologiy and claim that you "know science. I'm good at science. All forms of science. If it's science, I'm your guy." Ask them a chemistry question. Be amazed at their lack of knowledge.
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