Need to setup computer for grandpa. Which distro will save me from live time support?

Thought of Chromium OS?

  • 9

    It's simple, easy to understand and your grandpa is unlikely to want to run Android Studio and Docker with HyperV at the same time
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    Haha no sorry. Tried that windows stuff long enough. I nearly had to help every fucking day.

    He's more or less using a web browser, so there is not much need for much OS around it.
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    @cedrikschueler You could try to install arch and configure it into a maintainance free browser-prison.

    Or else use the preconfigured one called Mac OS
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    Yes something like that "prison" was my idea.

    The more OS, the more problems can come up :P

    That's what I hoped to get from Chromium OS but I didn't have time to try it.

    Can someone be more precise why exactly it is shit?
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    @njpugh90 Really good hint. I'll have a look later :)
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    I used debian and installed Cinnamon as Desktop for my parents.

    A bit tweaking here and there and it just works.
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    @Alice has explained very well why you should use Win CE you don't have to search any more https://devrant.com/rants/1648469/...
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    Mint or ubuntu. Installed that for my parents and sister who are all highly a technical and still running stable after 5+ years! They find it much more easy to work with than windows as well.
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