
A rant from the old box, with some minor edits because I don't remember the exact wording anymore.

So last time I had this window cleaner visit me, and he'd do his job while I was troubleshooting a broken tablet that my past home supervisor donated to me. After he was done he came to me, very impressed.

He then said: "Wow, you are disassembling this.. you must be very technical."
Me (kinda tired): "Thanks. And yeah pretty much."
He: "Does this mean that you can fix anything?"
Me: "Kind of. It depends. But I can't fix printers."
He: "Why is that? Are they so complicated?"
(the tablet I had disassembled is orders of magnitude more difficult than a printer)
Me: "Not really. It's just that that's often what users ask next."
He: …

The guy immediately left 🤣

  • 2
    - rants about window cleaner
    - made the printer anyway
    - drank sorrow away
    - rm -rf /devrant/@Condor *oops*
    - create new account
    - repost rant to make up for some ++'s
    - adds trollface picture as big as Oprah's butt
  • 0
    @Condor elaborated a bit.. lmao
  • 0
    @xewl ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • 0
    @Condor (ಠ ›à² )
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