8 hours a day too much for you??!!

My first company has "9.5 planned hours" daily

If the average is found less than the PLANNED HOURS / WEEK, the salary is DEDUCTED accordingly.

  • 14
    What country? Because inthe netherlands deducting salary is illegal
  • 28
    yes 8 hours are too much.
    it should be 6 hours for the same pay.
    because that way the worker has more time to spend money and that drives up demand and demand stimulates the economy. Which means more rested and motivated workers equals to more productive worker and a better economy.
  • 3
    Output is determined by d number of hours? Or is this a 4 days a week arrangement?
  • 2
    @theKarlisK It really depends on terms of employment. It could be B2B or something else that allows this kind of abuse. Usually it isn't really done in IT, since it isn't hard to find new job with decent salary, but I guess not everywhere.
  • 1
    @Codex404 India, here most of companies doesn't care about your work life balance.
  • 1
    5 days a week people 5 days a week
  • 0
    We have 1 hour long unpaid lunch so I have to stay 9hrs in work and get paid for 8. And this lunch consists of listening to ceos bullshit talking about movies or politics.
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