Someone please explain to me how you can become vice president of an internet company and have no fucking clue about simple database logic. Not only that, but then ask developers for query logic that is literally impossible and waste weeks fucking around trying to get it to work the way your deranged mind has shit out these absurd concepts.

  • 0
    @kgbemployee Damn, so that's why . I wish i knew, i always kept kissing the left one
  • 2
    In the internet industry for some time now. I realised
    1. title != skills;
    2. if (isPresent(skills)){
    title < skills;
    3. if(impressedBy(title)){
  • 0
    it seems like web dev agencies all have ppl @ the top who know nothing and always treat devs like 2nd class citizens. i guess freelance is the only way
  • 0
    i think it's called failing upwards, but according to what i've heard it usually ends at the level of one's incompetence, not above
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