
Okay so I need some help. I need a new laptop which will hopefully last at least through my 4 years of school but I'm not sure which one to get. Currently I'm between the Acer swift 3 and the Dell xps 13. I was wondering if anybody could offer some insight on their experiences with either. All I'd really be using it for would be day to day stuff and programming nothing too crazy

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    Tell me your tech stack (android studio, visual studio) and the maximum price you can afford
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    You can afford it, you can never go wrong with XPS 13 or 15, provided that you choose one with sufficient storage
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    @gugu10 *if you can afford it
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    Personally have had great experience with the xps line but haven't had great with Acer so I'd say go an xps, plus Dell seem much more competent as manufacturers imo
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    I've used the XPS for the last year+, it's definitely a solid choice. My only complaint is a lack of a dedicated hdmi/ethernet port, but they have adapters for those.

    The screen as well can be kind of annoying in brightly-lit areas. An anti-gloss screen protector works fine for this however
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