* comes home from school, turns on Wifi and puts phone on table *

DevRant vibrating 61 times

Guess where my phone was after that?

Yes, on the floor. Fortunately, nothing happened :'D

  • 5
    I somehow don't get devrant notifications. Although my notifications are set to on.
  • 1
    And phone breaks tablet's screen.
  • 2
    I don't get push notifs either. It worked when I first joined devrant, but it stopped working and never worked again. I've tried reinstalling and clearing data, but not factory reset (and I don't want too). I'm on a stock oreo lg g6.
  • 3
    @kenogo no. Android 8. Motorola Z Play
  • 3
    @kenogo ok so a funny thing happened. I just visited the notification settings in the app. Just visited, a pop up came and i clicked ok. And now magically it seems to be working. Funny though cause i clearly remember checking the settings 2-3 times before. @dfox
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