
My company bought me a new laptop. It has 2 512 GB SSDs.

Our IT set it up with windows 10.

OM fucking G. How dump you have to be to install windows 10 two times in the same machine? What kind of mental illness is this?

  • 8
  • 7
    Is it like mirrored or something? Maybe just for redundancy?
  • 10
    Nope. One is fully configured, the other is bare...
  • 6
    Do they have separate licences?
  • 6
    Not even in raid... Well done... Well... Done...
  • 32
    Windows fails a lot... it's recommended to have 2, just in case. ;/
  • 56
    Windows 20!
  • 31
    Actually it is brilliant. While one is installing upgrades you can continue work on the other!
  • 7
    @gurumeditation I really hope that's not what his IT thought of when installed two copies XD
  • 7
    The real question ist, why installing windows at all?
  • 4
    Currently there are no known definitions

    But this deserves a chapter in abnormal psychiatry one day
  • 5
    Oh my god. Do they know that defragmentation is torture for SSDs, and that Windows defragments its storage on EVERY BOOT AND WAKE UP?

    Way to set up a computer that will last 6 months.
  • 2
    @TheOct0 defragmentation can be disabled

    but you are right, at least have this disabled by default when the drive is SSD, I'm sure many users don't know about this in the first place
  • 5
    @gitpush not 100% sure but when I checked on this, windows 10 disables it by default if it detects its an ssd. Atleast I had it disabled by default.
  • 4
    @TheOct0 Source, please.
  • 4
    @gitpush Yeah, I assumed they didn't check this because most IT departments I know didn't bother with it :)
  • 3
    @GMR516 It's just one of its features, I wouldn't have a specific source for it. Just check Microsoft websites.
  • 1
  • 4
    @GMR516 That's a good point. I'll redirect you to win10privacy's features, which basically are a an aggregation of everything wrong with the OS. There is a way to disable automatic defragmentation within all of this, accompanied with an advice to do so if the system is on an SSD. And while your SuperUser link is valid, I still find more evidence going my way than yours.

    But act however you want, disabling automatic defragmentation can't be of any harm anyways.
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  • 0
    @DaveLV good thing they do that let's hope it works all the time, it was not the case for me on a fresh install on an SSD :/
  • 0
    you can say you now have Windows 20
  • 2
    @gurumeditation I scanned all the comments to make sure my joke would be unique. Then I saw yours and automatically said aloud, "Damn you!"

    Then I ++'d it because I am graceful in defeat.
  • 3
    @R0bby A very complete and researched article. I find it quite useful (while not technical), and it describes the process and results quite thoroughly. Tell me if you want a more technical source :)

    Link: https://pcworld.com/article/...
  • 2
    Just the fact that they installed malware on that thing says mental illness all over...
  • 2
    Windows does something else to "optimize" the ssd. It apparently knows it's an ssd so it doesn't do sandart defragmentation - remember reading that somewhere.
    But if you ever had your icons dissapear on the desktop or the toolbar at the bottom, yeah, that's what this optimization does.

    Also if you disable it, some updates turn it back on. Beware.
  • 1
    Yeah, windows 10 isn't that dumb to defrag a ssd. By default it optimizes drives weekly. "Optimize" meaning it will either defrag a hdd or trim a ssd.
  • 0
    @gurumeditation but now there can be twice the installing updates and upgrading and you can do even less!
  • 1
    Prod and dev
  • 3
    “It works on half of my machine”
  • 7
    When you wanna install Windows 10 64bit but you only have licence for 32bit so you install it twice on the machine.
  • 2
    Or! They simply salvaged a second drive from another computer which already had windows installed and then forgot to check if it was clean.

    You know, simple omission instead of grand mental illness 🙃
  • 0
  • 1
    Windows 10 doesn't defrag SSDs. It performs a simple trim.
  • 2
    Ok, just imagine you're in IT, you have to flash and configure lots of SSDs, you have one pill for Windows and one pile for blanks. You accidentally put a windows 10 drive in the wrong pile

    People make mistakes, this obviously wasn't done out of stupidity.
  • 0
    #InternFail Don’t be mad. Most likely they have given your computer to some poor soul who wants to be in IT but is fresh out of school.
  • 0
    Congratulations, now you have windows 20
  • 0
    Did they buy two licenses lol.
  • 0
    Make sure to select to correct one, IT’s testing you, one of these will do something bad like delete the whole laptop after a week
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