
Are WYSIWYG web editors worth it? Or is it better to just code entire websites without something like that? I've only ever done the latter.

  • 5
    WYSIWYG for web dev? BS. Unless you want to setup a quick page or blog and don't care much for what's under the hood.
  • 2
    Furthermore, visual feedback in realtime is nice, so you could configure a live reload dev environment to code the frontend, that's what I usually do. Every file I update, the browser refreshes automatically.
    If you're using webpack, check webpack-dev-server to do that.
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    *personal opinion ahead*

    I only tried a few and they sucked. Let me know if you got a good one.

    I personally code everything (except some plugins) myself by hand.
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    @BambuSource @lucaspar I know it's not really a WYSIWYG editor, but what do you think about Adobe Dreamweaver? I only ask because I already have it as part of my CC plan.
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    @BaconatorNoVeg I have only tried it once like 10 years ago, so from experience I can't tell you. However, it appears to give you a good control over your code with the design visualization, so I guess it's pretty good to create UIs.

    Said that, I think you may also consider how it integrates with templating engines (if you're using any) and frontend frameworks (angular / vue / react ...). If Dreamweaver doesn't though, you can still use it to aid the UI creation somehow, which helps to create a neat visual identity for your app.
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    @BaconatorNoVeg I gotta try it out because it is described as a WYSIWYG-editor compined with source code control. So that sounds super cool and google images seems to show that it has a neat UI as well.

    But shiiiiit 24€/month. :/
  • 1
    @BambuSource My plan is $21.29/month, and that's for the all apps plan, of course, I think I'm on the student plan...
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    @BaconatorNoVeg that's not too expensive considering everything it comes with, I just wish they had linux compatible software though :/
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    @lucaspar Yeah, that's the only thing I dislike.
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    @BaconatorNoVeg I'm not earning any money yet and that's pretty much all of my monthly pocket money. I still gotta do my driving licence.

    Maybe when I got a job or when I'll go to a university, maybe then I will [have to] buy it...
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    I recently took a look at Webflow. I have not so much time for it now, but it looks very promising.

    They have a cms feature, hosting etc. but you also can export the code
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