
Mother fucking candy crush cunts fucking Microsoft FUCK OFF REPEATEDLY REINSTALLING THIS FUCKING SHIT!!! THREE FUCKING TIMES TODAY I HAVE 'UNINSTALLED' THEM. Yet somehow, they keep FUCKING COMING BACK. not updating, haven't even clicked ok to install them, WHY THE FUCK DO YOU FEEL THE NEED TO CONTROL MY PC MØRE THAN I DO! FUCK OFF!

  • 2
    I swear to god I regret leaving Windows installed. Fuck off out of here I'm going back to arch
  • 0
    you can turn off automatic app updates in windows settings
  • 2
    I have, and they still keep coming back
  • 2
    Had the same problem. One has to disable these store suggestions somehow but I don't rwmember how. But there are tutorials on this.
  • 0
    I've already admitted defeat. Fuck Microsoft.. My first time back in 3 years and I hate it even more already
  • 1
    Never faced such an issue. Tough luck for you I guess.
  • 5
    Jesus Christ you Linux people can use some of the most complicated shit out there but you try and use an easy as fuck OS and can't do shit.

    What the hell lol
  • 2
    No its just the principle itself which has swayed me from it. Preinstalled malware... No thankyou! Reminds me of ubuntu *shudders*
  • 4
    @dufferz I've owned 3 devices with win 10 on it.

    Uninstalled all the stupid shit from the start and it never popped back up.

    I used powershell at one point to delete something, maybe the method would work for Candy crush? I used it to uninstall groove or one of the shitty apps you can't delete, and I've not seen it since.
  • 2
    Yep I'd tried that too, arch is back up and running again now so meh.
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