
So today my gf wanted to know if I, a software developer, know anything about SQL.

Adorable. 😍

  • 18
    Yeah every developer knows its "Super Quack Language" that consists of quacks only.
  • 8
    @hack it's like brainfuck, but only with quacks and spaces.
  • 16
    Select quack from quack where quack = quack
  • 3
    @Jilano Super Quack Lolcat uses 🦆 instead of ;.
  • 17
    Haha reminded me a friend got pwned by his grandma:
    - I got an internship in a big company called IBM
    - A company called IBM? I have been programming mainframe when your dad was shitting his pants you cheeky little bastard!
  • 3
    @wateringdisease plz reply so i can give you another ++, i loled so hard
  • 4
    @skprog What kind of absolute maniac doesn't capitalise SQL syntax?!
  • 3
    @Shardj what kind of absolute maniac capitalizes SQL syntax?!
  • 5
    @Jakuho haha glad you liked=)
  • 2
    She wanted to join you?

    // you can call this "Select * from 1998_Jokes".
  • 1
    @Cryteku is you mean an inner join, then yes, of course!
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