Decided yesterday night that it was time to leave this joke of a company. Updated my CV, changed my pic on my CV and posted the CV on Monster.

15 phone calls, 4 emails, 3 adds on LinkedIn, 3 planned interviews and this is just the morning.

  • 4
    I think he has something on there he's keeping secret from us👀
  • 2
    I think it has one srntensye only: Blockchain, AI and IoT guru 😛

    No offense meant, best of luck on your job hunt :)
  • 1
    @gitpush @2lazy2debug @Jilano @dufferz b-but muh anonymuh :v

    The secret key to all that is just to have at least 2 years experience and to have knowledge about basic stuff (PHP, front end, this kind of shit), but most importantly, to live in a country where recruiters (and HR) would sell their mom to hire me because of the lack of available developers here 😍👌

    (BTW, i now have 6 job interviews, the first of them is this evening 😁)
  • 0
    @Drillan767 Well where I live there are lots of developers but too little job opening these days, not to forget it is almost end of year and most of them stops recruiting until the new year starts :\
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    @Jilano update your CV so it looks decent (I would recommend InDesign), post it on Monster: if you have anything interesting (PHP, .NET, java), they will suck your dick like there is no tomorrow even if you don't have that much experience 👌👌
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    @sd97 Hey! Depends on what you call "formal", I've only been to "private" schools, where you pay up to 7k€/year (either you or the society who hires you in part time). If so, yes, if you talk about being to university, not at all :D

    Devs are really well treated in France, but you need to have a diploma or this kind of thing to pretend for a smooth pay per month (entry is ~1200€ net salary, but you can negociate for a bit more). However, after at least to years of experience, people tend to care less and less about that said diploma, because you'll do much more in 2 years of company than in 2 years of studies.

    Keep in mind that there's never enough developers here in Lyon: if you know either PHP, Java or C# (or .NET) and have at least a couple months of experience, you'll never struggle (to much) to find something. Meaning, keep in mind that if some place treats you bad, the grass will always be greener somewhere else.
  • 0
    @sd97 Honestly, the salaries are pretty low compared to Canada, USA or Switzerland (I'm planning to move to Canada in a few years myself)

    Check this link, you'll have a really good view of the salaries world wide (just keep in mind that it's a global view, not precise datas)

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