This happened via mail thread today.

Boss: we need this new brilliant feature I just made up and running asap! Top priority, it has to be done well, for my reputation is on the line!

Me: *looks at the specifics* 'kay, looks easy enough, this evening max and it will be ready. I just nees some extra info about what kind of data validations (I speak no accountant) are needed, and some other details (a total of 3 questiona).

B: Sure! Remember, it needs to be perfect, as my reputation is at stake. Call me on the phone and I'll give you the details!

M: Can't you answer via mail? Thua way both me and the other devs will have clewr guidelines

B: Just call me! Why do you need it to be written down? It's faster this way!

...Fine. I'll keep asking until you're ready to give me a written answer to my questions. No way I'll take security details via phone for something you want in production this evening. No chance in Hell I'll take responsibility for "misunderstanding" what you said on the phone. Why does it always has to be like that?

  • 21
    With Prick bosses, the best way to deal with this is to make the call. Write down clearly what is said. Email it back for sign off, He must approve the spec and do not do anything without approval, and clearly state that in the email. This will cover your back and push the ownership back on to him. You then have a paper trail to absolve you of blame when/if shit enters the fan vicinity.
  • 0
    Just record phone call and you're all set 👂
  • 4
    @myss can't do that without telling him though :<

    @helloworld already tries that. He won't reply to the e-mail and make a phonecall to say everything is ok. sad times :<
  • 0
    I believe it's legal as long as at least one of the participants of the conversation is aware of the call being recorded.
  • 0
    @Brugle isn’t that convenient
  • 0
    @neriald just saying he doesn't have to tell him that he's recording the conversation :)
  • 2
    @soulsuke If he rings just tell him you need an email approval of the spec, otherwise it won’t be started. If that fails bring it up to his boss and tell them that this cunt is unprofessional.
  • 5
    Never do shit without paper trail. If things go well, it will be his great idea - but if it goes wrong because his idea wasn't that great after all, he'll make you the scapegoat.
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