
I'm writing a personal statement for 5 Computer Science courses at the moment and I can't decide, should I set up a GitHub Account and slip the username in there to show a few of the projects I've been working on in my spare time? (Keeping in mind that it's literally like 1 program called "Games" that has Battleships and Rock, Paper, Scissors and maybe one other thing)

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    I mean, it would probably be more than certain other students
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    @Yarwest, I want to but then I have doubts because it's the University of Edinburgh which is in the top 20 in the world for CS so competition would be pretty big and I mean like it's a bit shit, at the moment I literally only have one repository on it in python with a master that's 120ish lines long
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    @hidden those are the hard calls, dont you have any other work that you can make a repo for?
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    Not at the moment, I only really started coding about a year and a half ago and I've had A-levels since then so not much time for own projects until this summer, though I was hoping to maybe play about with the Watson API so maybe I could do something with it and upload it?
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    @yarwest Do you think 2 repos would be enough? Or should I just leave it?
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    @hidden I'm still sticking with the 'it's more than nothing' philosophy, but the choice is yours
  • 1
    Now I`m rtying to write a personal statement, but it`s my firs one, and I`m not sure how to do it right.
  • 2
    When I was writing my personal statement, I was also not sure how to do it, and I decided to apply to this service https://residencypersonalstatements.net/... and they helped me make my paper excellent. Their editors have good experience in personal statements writing, and they can make your paper strong.
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