My team exists of three developers and a product owner. By the end of the month we have to deliver two new applications. It has not been going as smoothly as we'd hoped so far. However, one of the developers has cut his time for this project from fulltime to 1-2 days a week starting this week. The other developer is also needed on another project and has to run to the rescue whenever there is a problem with the servers, so he doesn't really solve any bugs either. Also he'll be leaving straight after deadline so he has to document everything only he knows and he'll be on holiday next week. Also, the product owner leaves tomorrow and will be back after deadline.

So.. Here I am, junior developer, have been here for about three months and I have to fix everything and do the communication to our testers as well. I'm feeling too overwhelmed right now...

  • 1
    Chance to prove yourself - go for it!

    People who run away from deadlines are a dime a dozen.

    Only the legends wave them goodbye, fix/delete their shit, complete the program and get the girl :)
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    Deadlines are mostly not as inflexible as they are touted to be - except one, of course, but that's the one you can't miss anyway.
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    It's not like deadlines stop.
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    Don't bother catching impossible deadlines. It will only take a toll on you. Notify your superior and start whistling.
  • 1
    Yeah seriously don't stress about it. Sure it's a chance to prove yourself a bit, but even if you work overtime, they won't recognize most of the effort you put in and the amount of stress you've had to go through. Then they'll start trying to push for sooner deadlines. It happened in our team and now we have started giving much less of a fuck.
    The "set in stone" deadlines were pushed back and everyone is in a much happier state of mind.
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