Well I am fully convinced.
Best app to learn phython programemeing language.

  • 9
    Lmao omg its like they don't even care anymore man
  • 3
    @AleCx04 right man and I think those 1k ppl who downloaded this app doesn't even have brains to check it out.
  • 8
    For me: The first mistake is: Its an App.

    Feels it gonna be only talking and for practice you will get quizzes of multiple choice and drag and drop lol
  • 5
    @FahadAlt at 1.3MB that shitty thing is loading a PDF into view at best.
  • 4
    @C0D4 or bunch of links that will take you to their youtube videos
  • 0
    @FahadAlt ah the interactive element yea that’s more likely given the PDF would be bigger ifs novice to advanced
  • 0
    They sure are gonna teach you from basics to advanced.... So enjoy learning phythonnnn🐍🐍😂
  • 4
    Stealing this for posting on Facebook :3 there's this Python Lord over there that I would bet my hat on that someone on his level wrote this shit :v
  • 1
    Literally install qpython and read the docs.
  • 1
    The best python tutorial is python docs❤
  • 1
    The phythonic way.
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