Fuck why is there no dedicated button to turn autocorrect on and off, that would be so useful, because I actually typo a lot on mobile, but the learning of it is trash, so for basic devrant stuff it's fine, but anywhere else it doesnt know what to do

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    Huehuehue 😈
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    @Floydian or did he 🤔
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    I'm just using the suggestions (SwiftKey). I think it's even better. Emojis can be shown as well. ☺

    Autocorrection is awful...
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    @cursee @Floydian I did mean typo 😉
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    @Irithyll I just cant get away from google keyboards compactness and looks sadly, even if somebody out there beats them at the game 😰
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    I turned that shit off ages ago and haven't looked back.
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    eeeww Google Keyboards...
    But even worse is the iPhone / iOS Keyboard... haha 😂

    I like it dark (I'd like to add a screenshot... but it has no effect 😢)...
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    Been using Minuum for years now and I mainly use it in normal keyboard mode. I can turn auto correct on and off with a single button.
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    How about auto correct automatically turns off between the hours of 1 and 3 am...

    Especially if alcohol is detected on the breath....

    Population control.

    And A. I.
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    @rant1ng you forgot Blockchain technologies
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    @JoshBent it also notifies a citizen smart contract of your drunkenness and therefore authorities are contacted so you can get nicked while driving

    Welcome to Orwell hell
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    @rant1ng shouldn't the Alexa/Google home/.. aka terminal take care of that already 😉
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