
Word of day:
Slang for person who can print "hello world", "hello", or some random string of character in multiple programming languages and whose knowledge is limited to printing string.

Synonyms: hypocrite, stupid, script Kidde....

  • 23
    Learned how to write hello world in python. Puts it in cv

  • 5
    We need a plague that takes out these dumb cunts tbh.
  • 3
    And then what? who the fuck will use 28 programming language throughout their miserable life!
  • 7
    @gitpush hippies and retards, I swear there is a lot of people like this back on my college
  • 3
    @devTea I hope brainfuck is one of those 28, that will teach them a lesson!

    It isn't bad to know many languages but not A LOT.

    In the end to be a pro at a language it takes lots of time, and we only live once...

    You still have that screenshot of me? I'm gonna need it for this rant lol
  • 9
    @gitpush ofc I have both the old and new one
  • 2
    @devTea Need to update my expression to someone totally shocked with little rage and voila, perfect banner XD
  • 6
    print(“hello world”)
    println(“hello world”)
    printf(“hello world”)
    cout << “hello world”
    echo “hello world”

  • 7
    print(“hello world”) is probably a valid program in hundreds of languages
  • 2
    You forgot: "...and then sticks that language on their resumé."
  • 3
    @gitpush I mean have you read some job postings though
  • 5
    @jeeper I've seen lots of postings wanting too many languages that are not related in any way like JavaScript guru and swift pro...etc.

    Those long general postings reflect the company, it's either they barely pay especially if they ask for a lot of things and then say 1-3 years experience

    Or they are trying to get the max out of one recruit
  • 2
    @gitpush or trying to get an H1B visa in the US
  • 1
    @jeeper I don't understand, how that relates to knowing many languages
  • 2
    @gitpush impossible requirements so they can argue to the government that they need to bring someone in from abroad to do the job. Then the person who comes in from abroad they rubber stamp, saying that person meets the requirements, but then that person only does a job with more reasonable responsibilities. A job that could have been filled with a US based worker, but they do it for a bit less money.
  • 1
    @jeeper I'm not sure about that but what I was talking about is that when local companies do that for local candidates. As for bringing someone from outside the country, wouldn't sponsorship cost employer? That small they are going to save by hiring foreign worker is to be paid for sponsorship if I"m not mistaken
  • 1
    @gitpush dig into h1b visa scams. They are depressingly elaborate and methodical. The lengths corporate America will go to avoid paying a fair wage are sickening.
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