
PSA to /[devs who things it's a good idea|management who thinks it's a good idea to force your devs]+/g:

There currently exists 1543 (and counting) top level domains. My email addresses follow the pattern: /^[a-z]+@panduro\.guru$/ and I die a little inside whenever I get told my email addresses aren't valid because you thought it was a good idea (to force your devs) to hardcode "valid" top level domains. There is a reason why the filter for input type email does not include top level domains.

And you can't even begin to comprehend how mildly annoyed I get when I message their support and tell them what the problem is (because I'm nice enough to do that) they instead of telling me "thanks for informing us we'll look into it" they tell me "well just get a gmail or something". I should not have to order social status reducing items with my school mail (especially not since I'll loose that email ¾ pairs of years)

  • 6
    Honestly, i was not even aware of such issue. thanks man, i'll look into it!
  • 3
    Yep, many does a shit job actually. And that pisses me of.

    Atleast @NeatNerdPrime is honest
  • 3
    @Stallman One of the worst implementations (and the first time I had to contact customer support) was dba.dk. They allowed me to register an account and log in to that accout. But if I wanted to sell anything I'd have to provide them with a ![.guru] email :v
  • 2
    What the fuck
  • 3
    @inaba you would think a website ending in .dk would recognize there's more than just 5 tlds
  • 8
    I once needed to register at some government site that only accepted [a-z]+\.[a-z]+@[a-z]+\.de

    Bonus: Tell Phone Support your E-Mail Address:

    me: <firstname>@<lastname>.net

    them: Alright, <firstname>.<lastname>@ what now?

    me: No, it's <firstname>@<lastname>.net

    them: Okay, <firstname>@<lastname>.de?

    me: .NET!

    them: .de.net?!


    You can't make that shit up.
  • 1
    All those new TLDs should never have happened.
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