
So, yesterday I was explaining one of our sales guys why I wouldn't be able to finish a task for his client, since I had passed the last days recovering from a major db breakdown, and had plenty of work on wait before I could get to what he asked.
The prick goes and tells my PM he's about to loose the business because of me, and screws all my timetable for the week...
What should I do to make sure he never messes with devs anymore?

  • 1
    Hide his company credit card?
  • 4
    My approach is a little less... Murderish. I recommend confronting him an alley with a bat, and just kindly take out a knee. Then threaten his family and his family's family.
  • 2
    All of the above
  • 3
    Might I suggest something a little more subtle?

    Buy a wireless keyboard with some good range and then plug the receiver dongle in somewhere he won't find it in his computer. Then over the next few weeks, as he is going about his day typing up emails to clients, throw a few random words and letters in there.

    Start small at first, just a letter here and a small word there. Eventually start typing full sentences when he leaves his desk. Things like, "I shouldn't have done that" and "I'm going to regret this".

    He will slowly start to lose his mind and you get to sit back and watch your sweet revenge.
  • 0
    He knows.
    He knows.
    He knows.
    He knows.
    He knows.
    He knows.
    He knows.
    He knows.
    He knows.
  • 2
    Thanks for all the useful stuff, but seems like management is getting rid of him, and I did absolutely nothing, didn't even complain... *giggles*
  • 0
    @dev0urer: Excellent idea
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