Internal support article to get access to a tool:

"To get access click 'NO' in the 'was this article helpful section' and open a support ticket, making sure to mention the tool you are looking to get access to"

What fucking fresh hell is this? Why not have the article, contain the fucking link to open the ticket.

You have intentionally put up a useless article, in order to hack your way around this stupid system.

  • 4
    Straight out of the bathtub :)
  • 1
    At first I thought that stuff like that happened only at my company and that when I progress, the "big boys" won't do those weird hacks.
    I was so wrong.
    Every company in the world has those people that refuse to learn or think deeper and just use the wrong tools for the job. Scissors, taped to a hammer, used to open a jam jar. Unconventional, not esthetic and against all possible semantics, they do those hacks so they won't need to use their brain too hard.
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