  • 18
  • 22
    Love the keyboard too.
  • 6
    My favorite part is the standing desk
  • 11
    Didn't even bother cutting off the cord from the lamp.
  • 3
    @S-Homles-MD random and unrelated, but you have 4770 ++s. The Radeon HD 4770 was the first proper graphics card I had access to, that thing ran steadily for a long time. Good memories.

    Okay, back to work.
  • 2
    The monitor is not plugged in, and no cables are attached to the back of the pc
  • 4
    I'm telling you, the whole being more productive standing is a hoax
  • 6
    @zacg That's the point :)

    @hjk101 @djlazz3 I can see a chair, isn't she sitting? Also, look at the knees, she must be sitting
  • 0
    @TheOct0 since everyone is commenting about things that the desk is lacking, it thought I would join in
  • 4
    @TheOct0 oh I’m an idiot, I thought the point was that the cables were those lines all around the supports of the desks
  • 1
    @TheOct0 might not be proven by this photo but it's t still a hoax 😁
  • 0
    Future Apple wireless technology has been leaked 😱
  • 2
    @hjk101 I think the whole point of standing desks is healthier posture (because sitting down for a long time can be unhealthy) and nothing about productivity.
  • 5
    She doesn't need a CPU. She's the CPU!
  • 1
    @gymmerDeveloper Calling the computer "a CPU" is almost like calling the display "a computer".
  • 1
    What if she is just cleaning the monitor? And she just placed cabinet and monitor and decided to do some cleaning? And she has decided to connect all the cables after the cleaning?
  • 0
    @kamen when I was a kid watching people placing their hands on a monitor and discussing, I thought that's what they called it a computer
  • 0

    Such a deep thought but it doesn't appear to be.
  • 0
    Uhm, ever heard of wireless? It's the future
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