Am I the only one that gets fucking pissed when others write unnecessary <div>s?

I know sometimes it's necessary for styling, but my coworkers do it because it's easier to add a new div than extending the style of an existing element.

What's worst, when I do it they reject my PR saying to create a new div instead. Fucking fuck off.

  • 2
    That's the reason I love using SCSS, nested styling is best
  • 5
    @AlexDeLarge You should see the shit festival I call 2010 Stuxnet websites.

    About 2/3 of my CSS was unnecessary and didn't do shit. It was bad. I purged them all. There was like a dozen of them. They'll never be able to violate some innocent person's eyes again
  • 0
    @AlexDeLarge that reminded me of material for another rant.
  • 1
    Oh yeah, those unnecessary divs... I can relate to that. I did them before I knew how WONDERFUL and MIRACULOUS CSS can be.
  • 0
    Depends on the context, but yes, Div and Span get used when needed, especially for wrapping dynamic values inside certain elements.
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