Happened today,
A senior guy who knows how to design “says he have a creative agency as a side business” came up with a new website design with the approval from executive and asked us to develop it!

With no discussing with the developers, or the designer in our team! And his design is a full one page website filled with full page modals whenever you click something!!

And my dear manager of course approved it.

I am not against the design or anything, but I am against that we aren’t involve in something like this. The design is doable, but the page load will be heavy because it contain a lot of pictures, and SEO will be bullshit. Developers should give their technical opinion in the design but they don’t understand!

  • 3
    I hate making a page with loads of modal, I’m okay with confirmation, but forms? Fuck no
  • 1
    @devTea one of his brilliant ideas is an image slider with 3 paragraphs inside the modal 😅
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