
Is There any good open source test automation frameworks testers can use to verify database insertions, such as message transactions? Everyday I get questions from testers to verify data and it's so tedious looking at MySQL tables to see if there data is present.

  • 1
    I also want to know 👍
  • 0
    General rule of thumb. If the database isn't developed by you. You usually don't have to test it. You should assume that it works.

    If you want to do integration tests with some sort of developer database to make sure a whole flow works, that could be scripted in any language really. Personally I would do it in bash or python.
  • 3
    If your testing inserts / updates just add lookups to your unit tests.

    Otherwise MySQL has a test framework depending on your exact needs

    Not mobile friendly:
  • 0
    @C0D4 thanks for the suggestion guys!!
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