
This is a continuation of a Collab, please check it out before answering this:

I am thinking about making a crowdfunding campaign - should I? I am a terrible person when it comes to recruiting people and getting people to actually become interested in such thing. I hate using my voice also in order to create some promotional video also.

I know that some of you are interested in such thing, but how many of you would actually contribute to such project with your time, coding skill or money?
I am looking into to buy some SuperMicro stuff (would probably cost me around $4000) in order to get started but I am very unsure.

  • 1
    @xzvf @Floydian
    And I have no coding skill :)
  • 2
    I can help you with coding, not with money unfortunately
  • 2
    Time: yes. Coding : yes wherever I can.
  • 3
    As I said in the other post, I really like the idea, and I would love to help. I can offer mainly time and coding skills (even if I'm still a huge noob, so I can either help doing easy stuff, or maybe help in creating the documentation). Unluckly money is a bit tight right now, so I can't help on that side
  • 2
    I guess that I could add some redundancy on the sysadmin side.. other than that, not much sadly. I'd love to see this take off though :)
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