
Folks, it's the weekend! Time to relax, get some 🍷 & figure out how Vim works finally!

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    You'll need more than weekend for that 😀
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    Only advice i can give you is, dont give up after 30min! It takes a long time to learn, ive only been using it for a year and a half and still learn new stuff. One have to want to learn vim in order to be efficient with it:)
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    Fuck that shit, I have been enjoying my massive old Rock Vinyl collection all day today to chill. RIP my poor neighbors ha ha! Nothing, and I mean nothing sounds close to vinyl heard through a pair of proper Bang & Olufsens!
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    There's also a game online that teaches you while you play. I think it's called vimadventures? It costs money after a while though
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    There's a bunch of great tutorials on a website called vimcasts.org, and I believe Jeffrey Way did a vim series on laracasts.com. Don't remember if he has that one publicly available without subscription though.
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    Good for you! Open up Vim and type :help. Really "helpful" text.
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    Install emmet with it. it's a bliss to work with emmet and vim
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    is vim better than sublime text,?
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    @daumie if you gonna ssh into servers and edit files then vim is a must , otherwise install vim , sublime , atom , brackets , vs code , try them all and see which one you like, that's it there's no "X is better then Y" definitive answer .
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    keep with it, it has some power under the hood. While it took me a few days to get settled, and I'm still constantly tweaking my vimrc, once you get used to it it is really really nice.
    Be sure to set up a shortcut keybind to edit your vimrc and another to reload it ($SOURCE) and get yourself a nice theme to ease your eyes. Dark themes are nice. Then read read read using :h(elp) word.
    I'm using it as my default now and only going back to notepad++ for find in files and replace in files regex mass updates. I don't feel comfortable using vim for that just yet.
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