I hate angular, I hate angular, I hate angular, I hate angular, I hate angular,

I like angular

I love angular

  • 1
    no matter what I love Angular Js. ..I live it ...
  • 2
    angular is good once you get the hang of it
  • 4
    you forgot to put a while(true) {...} around your statement there.
  • 0
    Completely agree. Use react instead.
  • 1
    Is angular 1/2 one of those things where you learn to deal with all the warts with the framework?
  • 0
    I am not a front end dev, but for personal projects I have to do fe dev. hence I took the challenge of angular thrice and got frustrated thrice. then I tried again just nearing our launch date and it now works awesomely. :D and I see why people say angular is very powerful.
  • 1
    I had the same experience. At first it was very confusing but when I understood it I really started liking it!
  • 0
    Pretty much with everybody who started and progressively got better with angular 😊
  • 0
    I hate angular with passion, i am of those guys who come from backend background and did worked with JSP and JSF a lot!
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