
So going to university in about 1 year, and ive been wondering, if I'm going into computer science or software engineering (my top 2 programs of choice), what laptop specs would u recommend? I'm currently running a computer with 8gb DDR3 RAM and a 5 year old Intel Pentium, integrated graphics, needless to say I think an upgrade would benefit. Thoughts?

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    Your setup should be good enough.
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    I ran an old machine from 2012 and I graduated recently. Never really had any problems. 🤷‍♂️
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    Generally, should be sufficient for either. In case of HPC courses (or whatever that require high processing power that a laptop wouldn't satisfy anyway), universities normally provide access to cluster or computing instances
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    if you have money to spend get the thinkpad t480, if not the t430 is very good and cheap, the other thinkpads in between are not that big of an upgrade to the t430 since they also only have 2cores 4 threads. the thinkpad t480 however has 4cores 8threads. Thinkpad is a must because of the supreme typing experience imo.
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