
I have just learned java language. Can anyone tell me some small projects that will help me as a beginner?

  • 6
    Hello World
  • 0
    @xroad 😄 thats not a project
  • 3
    @ramzan8 hello world is the smallest project indeed, just add few unit test case tough
  • 1
    I hope that you with the term "Java language" is referring to Java, and that you not meant JavaScript...
  • 5
    Maybe not a project but try to implement some built-in things (like collections) yourself and then compare with the OpenJDK implementation. I don't know about you but I learned quite a lot this way and it helped me understand Java better.
  • 2
    @Ankan You could try to do a very very simple calculator or a game run from the Java console. Perhaps tic tack toe...
  • 1
    @Ankan just java...not java script
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    @g-m-f Or Codility. But they are more on the algorithmic side, not specifically for Java.
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    a command line argument parser, a testig suite and some common data structures in a librare are three good middle-size projects. I think I could do either in about a month of spare time, so it should take you a good couple if months of free time or so.
  • 1
    @ramzan8 it is in Java. lol. But yeah, checkout some of the suggestions above. I'd also recommend parsing some REST services
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