Helping a client to update their 5 years old payment system to support the new mobile PayPal library via Braintree.

Found out you need to install a server SDK that requires PHP 5.4.

Installed and then realised the server is still on PHP 5.3 (CentOS 6).


Told my client that they require a new server just so that I don’t need to manage the PHP 5.3 to 5.4 update on their live server and I can install Node to use the Braintree NodeJS SDK 😇.
Feels like heaven.

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    Won't you have to rewrite the whole backend moving to Node? Isn't it simpler to do this minor upgrade 5.3 -> 5.4?

    On second thought, if you worry to mess with a live server, just create another instance and point the DNS there. If things go wrong point it back to the original one.
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    @lucaspar i just need the Braintree SDK to contact the Braintree server to generate payment tokens and bounce minor payment notice around. The main payment logic will still be handled by PHP 5.3.

    They didn’t pay me enough to upgrade and check their existing code (done 5+ years ago) for PHP 5.4 support...
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