
Me: Arrays start at 0
Tennis: Arrays start at 0 then go 15, 30, 40, IndexOutOfBoundsException

  • 11
    I genuinely want to know how the people who came up with tennis scores thought.
  • 4
    @oudalally I'll remember that for when I'm.bored asf lol
  • 2
    Apparently in a tie-break, the scoring array changes to 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Mind blown.
  • 5
    @Stuxnet I heard once that its simulation of the minutes passed in an hour. Every hour is a point. Divide that into 4 parts, 15,30,45 are the dividers. But because there's a deuce, they broke the half after 30 into 3 parts. So finally, 0,15,30,40, deuce-advantage (like 50), and finally point.
  • 3
    Don’t tennis arrays start at love? 😉😉

    I’ll see myself out.
  • 0
    Uff! I need a break.
  • 3
    var scores = {
    ♥️: 0,
    "15": 15,
    "30": 30,
    "40": 40
  • 1
    @devios1 in tennis everyone starts by loving-all
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