Just after watching Black Mirror : How fucked would you be, if there was a copy of you, which could give the accessor All information about you? 🤔 There's some really vulnerable secrets to anyone, so yeah, I would be super fucked 😂

  • 2
    Why? What have you been up to? Your government wishes to know.
  • 1
    +1 for random use of beer tag.
  • 0
    @platypus Nice username :D Just in general, if all my passwords were public 😱 The other stuff I won't tell, better ask me when drunk 😂
  • 0
    @Jilano No funny stories or such to tell? 🤔
  • 2
    or they could just use a soldering iron in your “rear door”, this method is also effective for getting your secrets and private info.
  • 1
    @kimailis Welp, didn't think about that 😂
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