Me: *click click click click*

Girlfriend: Do you have to be so loud when you're typing?!

Me: probably not *CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK*

//Gonna see how far this goes... Buying a mechanical keyboard on my break :D

  • 0
    Make sure it has blue switches!
  • 3
    Also, i know there is a software that can play sound when pressing a key, Simulating key pressing sound
  • 2
    *waits for rant about being single*
  • 1
    Green switches are waaaay more clicky than the blue!
  • 0
    Isnt green just the same but heavier to press?
  • 2
    supposedly but in reality the greens are way more clicky for some reason. My brother has both and I can testify to the fact that they are indeed louder!
  • 2
    Big thanks for the suggestions! Went with the green switches, folks! Sounds like a live performance of the Riverdance up in here... 😂 😂
  • 1
    @Cabbitman Congrats mate, just remember to send her my way when she dumps your ass, I have the Clear tactile switches with blue ring sound dampeners installed for an extra quiet typing experience! 😃
  • 0
    good one....
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