My biggest programming pet peeve: The code throws a series of unchecked assignment errors and yet it compiles.

Go home Intellij you need some sleep.

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    Perhaps u have set different interpretor configurations for project workspace and run/debug mode.

    Not sure about this but happened to me once while working on a django project in pycharm
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    @xkill Possibly. This project is using Hibernate 5.3 ORM. My best hypothesis is that there's a Java library import that I'm missing for SQL queries and yet it runs from the Session and SessionFactory.
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    @starrynights89 Maybe. No experience on that
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    You do know that Java wont be evaluated until runtime?
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    @krister-alm True. I just hate having my IDE freak out and I can't explain why.
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    Don't we all just need some sleep? *asking this while just woke up*
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