I still use jQuery in most of my projects and I'm not ashamed to confess about it. PERIOD.

  • 3
    Me too
  • 8
    Does it work?
    If yes - use it
  • 1
    Usually using it for debugging. To see, how the element is even reachable :D
  • 10
    I don’t see the problem using jQuery. Its great framework that has a huge community support. And the most ..Believe me when I say this ... THE most valuable reason to use jQuery... “IT WORKS” unlike half of the shitty frameworks out there.
  • 2
    @Linux If it works, don't touch it.
  • 0
    Chill! devs still use PHP no matter the hatred it gets
  • 2
    nothing wrong with that...

    just don't do it near some hipster coffee shop...
  • 0
    Then technically it's not a confession...
  • 1
    I don't see the problem

    All I hear about jQuery are good things, with the only reason to not like it being it's age (which is a rather dumb one imo)
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    @Krokoklemme I prefer to think of it as “mature” rather than old.
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    As long as you all wash your hands after using it. I see no problems lol.
  • 1
    As someone who wrote 5 SPAs in the last year using Angular, React and Vue for different projects, I can say that server side rendering and minimal JS are much much better.
    And jQuery fits for this.
  • 4
    The problem is rather people loading huge libraries (like jquery) to do one thing that could be accomplished by 5 lines of code, which then in turn bloats loading time and overall usability
  • 0
    @BurnoutDV not really a problem. It is 2018. JQuery is really not that heavy for the servers that we have available as of right now wouldn't you say? I ain't trying to be a dick or anything but its not like JQuery is going to slow down any website in this day and age.
  • 1
    Maaaaaaaaan my projects are so simple it ain't even funny. And not because they are simple in context (they are not) but simple as in I am not going to overengineer solutions for something that will seldom call for it.

    In some cases React or Vue or Angular make complete sense. In some they don't and in some others it makes complete and absolute sense to port in JQuery since it still is the best flipping way to manipulate the DOM in terms of animations and other bs like that that people want. Want to use dragable shit on the site? Its there, need to animate a carousel bs or whatever? Its there. Need data tables that work? Yup.

    I don't get the hate for JQuery or JS for that matter. Overenginering is for hipsters with too much time.
  • 1
    I still use it and love it
  • 2
    @AleCx04 i wasnt specifically speaking of the use of just jquery, but often an often observed behaviour is that someone uses like 5 frameworks to do really minor stuff that could have been accomplished without those and a bit of thinking. Just throwing frameworks at a problem cause "it works easier that way" looks like shoddy work in my opinion.
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    @BurnoutDV you are absolutely right on that my dude u__u
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    @is-not-null so if you're not ashamed of using a library where 90% of the functionality already exists and are incredibly simple to use in the language it's implemented in, and the rest just requires a few more lines and aren't any more complex so you have to announce it to the world?

    Sounds like someone's not secure about their tech stack
  • 1
    @inaba i don’t see the problem.

    projects like jQuery exist for people to use it in their application. It was build by people like you and me so others can use it.

    All i see its very supportive framework for the average web developer. There is no shaming using such
  • 1
    I will do you one worse: I use jQuery Mobile... 🤪
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