
Why Apple?

Configuring my new MacBook Pro
• jre ✓
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• Android studio ....
• let's see what we get when we type "git" in Terminal.. surprise!!! You have to download Xcode which is 5.30GB. Goodness. Can I cry now? 😭😭😭

  • 13
    Configuring my new PC
    - SSH: I have to download something for that?
    - Git: not a batch file or directory
    - Package manager: what are those
    - Cmd: what the actual fuck
  • 4
    Yeah. That’s standard for a Mac. Gotta have those extended Xcode comments line tools to have things like gcc etc.

    It’s the first thing I do with a new Mac because it takes a while and is inevitable.
  • 10
    It never need complete Xcode for git,

    Just setup brew and everything is easy as hell
  • 4
    command line tools package should be small and enough
  • 12
    You don't need full xcode.

    Type in the terminal -

    xcode-select --install

    It will install only the command line tools.
  • 7
    @gvnix is right, and that’s probably the best if you don’t want Xcode. But I’m certain that you can install git on its own
  • 4
    @zacg yep. Git has its own installer as well. But then you will miss out on GCC or make.
  • 7
    @dontbeevil Well, WSL showed me that neither is Windows :)
  • 8
    @dontbeevil As I've mentioned earlier, Windows 10 is currently my main workstation, mainly thanks to the shafting from Nvidia. And considering how much WSL has matured so far, I can't say that the experience is bad.. other than the fact that this machine constantly phones home to Microsoft despite my explicit disapproval through registry edits and disabling the Telemetry service. All of that doesn't prevent me from chewing on how WSL still can't replace native Linux hosts though, or how I really didn't want this OS on my PC to begin with and hate being forced to use a particular OS :)

    Keep in mind that I don't want to change the mind of a fanboy, just want to justify why I dislike this OS despite the fact that I'm using it.
  • 0
    welp, I'd honestly use Mac more if I could properly build a Hackington.
  • 10
    @dontbeevil … Windows Server even.. Fuck you. Abomination of shitadmin.
    Sorry dude, there's only very few things that tick me off more. You can be a fanboy, but at the server side.. no. This is why we Linux sysadmins still have to deal with JMRP, SNDS, Outlook layout and whatnot. I fucking hate it. And if you fuel it, I fucking hate you.
  • 0
    @peacWhis but yeah, also money is a problem, but surely it'd be cheaper than most macs with the same specs.
  • 0
    You don't have to download the whole Xcode suite. just the command line tools 😕.
  • 0
    virtual ESC key!!! Eeeewwwww
  • 0
    You don't need to instal xcode, just the toolkit:

    $ xcode-select --install

    thank me later
  • 0
    Or you just dl it?
  • 0
    @bcye what do you think I did?
  • 0
    @suprano I mean git alone
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