
How do I resolve this conflict of interest?

TLDR: I want to go out for exercise/health. But I also need an immediate goal. So when I go out, I will always end up buying some junk food.


It's such a nice day today. Let's go for a walk, get out the house and some exercise because I also love deals.

Hmm… where should I go? (Need a motivation)

I know let's go shopping! (Only reason to leave the house)

Takes a walk to Duane Reade (supermarket) 10 mins away.

It’s so hot/I want a reward!  I'm out already why not get a treat… let's see I can get a large Iced Coffee for $1 (or some other deal) at McDonalds (which is pretty much next door now that I'm here).

I mean isn't that a great deal! I could make coffee myself but only the KCup and well they wouldn't be cold. I want it cold now, not in an hour… (i probably won't when want it then). So that dollar is just for the coldness mostly and i guess the service cost.

Also since I'm here already, i save the food delivery fees (this also applies whenever I order for pickup: I save so much on the delivery costs and I get exercise too!)

Healthwise and financially, this negates any benefit of going out and probably would've been better had I not gone out and just ate the plain salad at home.

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    @0x2142 hmm... Gym... maybe need to lose money to motivate me to exercise... But I'm to tired on weekdays and well I've got the whole city to walk in...as long as I don't but food...

    Wonder if maybe I should set a schedule and go out without my wallet... But that feels unsafe... Or maybe just carry $20 in cash... Yea I don't like using cash cuz I never use the change...

    I live in a city so the only thing around my my apartment is food and shops.
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    Oh n things just come up....
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    Try going hiking. Being in nature you cant probably buy food. Also it make you more dedicated since you have to work to orginize it, and you cant just stop in the middle. If you take someone with you it will help both in wk111 and the dedication because you wont ditch your friend
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