
If I had one Chance to time travel, I'd go 40years into the future and come back with the latest tech at that time and come back to be a billionaire.

  • 6
    Why not just write down the lottery numbers and go back one day? If money is all you want.
  • 1
    @BigBoo fuck, that's a good one
  • 3
    How are you getting back when you can only travel once?
  • 1
    I want to go back to the '80, so I can write many DOS apps and games...
  • 1
    If you time travel to the future that in its past you invented time traveling, they will probably have a better time traveling machine
  • 1
    I'd go back and kidnap Edison so Tesla wouldn't get screwed over. 😊
  • 1
    I am currently time traveling into the future (fuck past it sucks), but man it's so slow :/
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