

To the iOs Users:
-Which iPhone do you have?
-Is it Jailbroken?
-Do you want to use the new Electra JB?
-And If Jailbroken: Why and what do you do with it?
-If not: Why?

To the Android Users:
-Which Phone do you have?
-Is it rooted?
-If yes: Why and what do you do with it?
-If not: Why?

And my Answer:

-iPhone X
-Yes! I want it so badly
-No: Didn‘t think about it when I purchased it..

  • 1
    iPhone 8
    No it isn’t jail broken, never really seen a reason to jail break it. I use it for emails calls and texts about it really.

    Electra jb? Not heard of it but if it adds some variability to the device then sure? I guess.
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    @forE It‘s an Group of people developing on an Jailbreak for 11.2 to 11.3.1. :) They are in the testing state, so it will release sooner or later ;)
  • 2
    @Lambert ahh right, probably wouldn’t touch it then, never really been able to justify voiding a warranty on the device for the benefit of extra functionality I wouldn’t use
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    @forE Yeah, I tough so too. But little Tweaks make it just easier. Example: one tweak makes an incoming Call apear like an Message, so it doesn‘t take up all the Space or just design changes so I feel like this is MY Phone and I can do with the Os what I want. SSH into it for better File transfer (iTunes sucks). Just small things that make Life easier, not really better just improve speed. At least it felt like that back in the Days. ;)
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    @Lambert I can understand that but was that change really worth voiding the warranty on a £1200 phone?

    I mean if you answer yes to that question then I’m afraid not having a warranty is the least of your problems ;)
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    OnePlus 6
    It's not rooted couse I don't need anything that requires root. I don't event think anymore about changing ROM, stock version is great.
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    @forE Yes and No. It is really an tough Question. On the one side I‘m really really careful with my Phones. I use an case and an Display Protection. On the other hand it can break too if I‘m one moment not careful enough.
    I‘m a bit of an productivity freak tbh. I like it when my Things look like I want them and function as I want them (One of the Reasons I‘m wanting to be an Dev) so thats an big ++ for Jailbreaking. At least for me 😉
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    @Lambert Fair enough, each to there own and all that fun stuff
  • 4

    Yes, rooted. Because it’s *my* phone so I should be able to decide what software has access to what on my device and to the internet.
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    @Brosyl I’m not entirely getting you 😅
  • 1
    Doogee y6
    Factory rooted and unlocked
    Deleted some bloatware, not much more
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    @Brosyl Open source AOSP roms?
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    Wolfgang, rooted, dev phone for android 4 ish
    Oneplus x, rooted, dev phone for android 6 ish
    Oneplus 5t not rooted yet. Current phone still needs the stream chip procedure and i cant root untill that happens.
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    Zte blade qlux
    It's a temp phone
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    OnePlus 3, not rooted because I have no reason to.
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    Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus

    Not Rooted

    Why? : because I want it to be as reliable as possible
  • 23
    Medion LifeTab, rooted.
    Acer Liquid Z630 (RIP since yesterday 😢), rooted.

    Reason? I'm a Linux user, I AM ROOT EVERYWHERE!!!
    Well that's not really a good reason, is it 😛 so let's talk about practical stuff.

    - Customization. I installed Comfortaa font and iOS emoji across the system, which requires root.
    - I'm also blocking ads through AdAway, which again requires root.
    - Bloatware: each of these devices came with over 1GB of crapware. So I removed it by remounting /system as rw, and rm -rf'd all the crap.
    - Binding to privileged ports for e.g Dropbear SSH may also be something that I'll explore in the future.
    - Hostname editing: Android by default comes with a shitty random hostname. But changing it with setprop to something meaningful requires root. Generally you only care about this if you frequently visit router admin panel to review addressing, or are a terminal (adb or Termux) user.

    Hope this helps 🙂

    One noteworthy thing however is that unless you really need it for something very specific, you shouldn't root or jailbreak. Power users use it because they want that extra level of control over their device. But other apps requesting it can abuse it too. Root access bypasses all security measures present in Android - the only line of defense left being SELinux which root can also disable. Those "360 Sakurity" and "CM Lucker" types of apps are particularly big offenders. Lastly, it voids your warranty and using it wrongly can nuke your device. Dragons ahead!
  • 0
    Iphone 7
    Not jailbroken
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