
I finally finished a project after weeks of not knowing what to do with my skills.

What that project is?
It's a discord bot that bans half of the members in a server. :/

  • 7
    Ok, Thanos :p
  • 3
    Server: Alice joins the channel
    Bot: Fuck off, Alice!
    Server: Alice has been kicked from channel
    Bot: Excellent! *evillaughter*

  • 1
    In which lang did you write it?

    I‘m doing one too in discord.js at firsg I though: Hmm, does it make sense to make one? But it actually makes a lot of fun weirdly. Thinking what you can do with the Things Discord gives you.
  • 1
    @Lambert I used JavaScript and Eris. Discord.js is a good lib if you're just getting started with Discord or Programming in general, but you should switch to Eris soon.
  • 0
    The fewer, the better.
  • 0
    @Eleos Ok, good to know!

    If you have some spare time I would love to talk to you a bit, maybe you could help me to get into Eris. :)
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