
A rant about fucking google!

I search for a page, but my internet is pretty slow (not on wifi), so while waiting I think of somwthing else to search. And now I have 4 tabs open on my phone.

After a little while, I get the following error (see attached image). I get a little frustrated, but I'm a calm person, I decide to solve the (still loading) CAPTCHA and continue browsing.

After a little while, I get an error that my browser (Edge) is not supported and I can't open the CAPTHCA. On other websites, it has always worked just fine, but they want me to switch to their Chrome, to steal my data.

It is quite a clever trick if you think about it. Either that, or I've been hacked and there's a bot on my phone.

  • 3
    Hmm I wonder what goodies hide behind that ip 🤔 probably none being mobile.

    their could be a lot of traffic at the moment from your general
    Location, I get a similar error when on vpn
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  • 2
    @MrWouter It's not his IP, it's his mobile company's IP and that one changes as soon as he reboots the phone.
  • 2
    @MrWouter and what can you really do with his IP? Most you can do is find the approximate location.
  • 1
    @MrWouter most firewalls have DDoS protections and there would really be nothing to DDoS if there were no services running on the IP, right?

    And well, sure. Here in the UK it's kind of a pain too.
  • 1
    @c3ypt1c As it's a mobile IP, the carrier should be able to mitigate the DDOS packages from being handled themselves.
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